• Question: What is the percentage chance of a child catching leukaemia more than three times in a lifetime?

    Asked by samuelorl247 to Paul on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Paul Waines

      Paul Waines answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Hi samuelorl247- its impossible to give a percentage chance because there is more than one type of leukemia, and people also suffer from it to different extents.

      However, it’s definitely possible to get it more than 3 times- as with any cancer (which it is a type of)- and each time you get it again its called a ‘relapse’.

      Relapses can happen any time after the symptoms have gone away, and if and when they happen depends on the type of leukemia the patient has (there are 4 types)

      If you need any more info, post me another question 🙂
