• Question: why do girls has more hair then boys?

    Asked by omidstar to Lyn, Katy, Paul, PB, Ruth on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Katy Brown

      Katy Brown answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I think boys have more hair than girls! Boys have more of a hormone called testosterone, which causes thicker body hair and facial hair to grow.
      Girls often have longer hair, but this is just cultural – girls have longer hair because they cut their hair less!

    • Photo: Peter Balfe

      Peter Balfe answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      They don’t. They have (more or less) the same number of hair follicles per square cm. The difference is testosterone, which makes male hair thicker and heavier than female. Compare the skin of a 6 year old boy and girl, there the difference isn’t apparent!

    • Photo: Ruth Mitchell

      Ruth Mitchell answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Girls tend to have longer hair but boys have more hair overall. Like Katy said it is a cultural thing. African boys and girls tend to have the same length of hair.
      But men do go bald more than women do. There are many reasons for this, genetics being the main one.

    • Photo: Ee Lyn Lim

      Ee Lyn Lim answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Right now we live in a society where there are more girls with long hair than boys with long hair, but in the past men used to have long hair too! In fact, hundreds of years ago in China, men used to do their hair like this: http://tinyurl.com/m2jzwv4

      Even now there are some people in the world, both boys and girls, who don’t cut their hair at all. For example, people of the Sikh faith believe that hair is a precious part of your body that you shouldn’t throw away. Both boys and girls keep their long hair tied up in a turban like this: http://tinyurl.com/lbwvlzq

    • Photo: Paul Waines

      Paul Waines answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      It might seem that way, because girls tend to have longer hair. Actually I think that boys and girls have about the same number of hairs on their head. However, as boys get older, they sprout hair all over the place!
